PhD Students and Post-doctoral Fellows

Aviane Auguste, Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2023) – currently Assistant Professor, McGill University, Canada

Solène Gouesbet, PhD student (2020-2023) – currently Programme Manager in the team

Kelly O'Shea, Visiting PhD student (2022) – currently Senior Evaluation Scientist in the private sector, USA

Thibault Fiolet, Doctorant (2019-2022) – currently Scientific Officer, European Food Safety Authority, Italy

Marie Al Rahmoun, PhD student (2018-2022) – currently Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP), & Pasteur Institute

Yahya Mahamat-Saleh, PhD student (2017-2020) and Postdoctoral fellow (2020-2021) – currently Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO)

Francesca Romana Mancini, Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2020) – currently Tenured Scientist, "Exposome and Heredity" Team, Inserm U1018

Leslie Farland, Visiting Scientist (2016) – currently Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, USA

Iris Cervenka, PhD student (2016-2019) – currently Project Officer, French National Cancer Institute

Isabelle Savoye, PhD student (2014-2017) – currently Research Expert, Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre, Brussels, Belgium


Students and interns

Chiara Doccioli, Public Health intern (2023) – currently Senior Resident in Milan, Italy

Margaux Langlois, Stagiaire de M1 (2023) – currently Master's student in Public Health

Hélèna Schoefs, Master’s student (2022) – currently PhD student at the University of Clermont-Auvergne

Sarah Lambert, Master’s student (2022) – currently pursuing her Masters studies

Margot Neveu, Engineering school student in nutrition (2021) – currently pursuing her Engineering studies

Zélia Goussé-Breton, Master’s student (2020) and Master's Apprentice (2020-2021) – currently Expert Demographer

Michelle Valenti, Master’s student (2021) – currently PhD candidate in Epidemiology at the University of Arizona (USA)

Nikita Kupska, Bachelor's student (2021) – currently Master's student in Demography

Marie Al Rahmoun, Master’s student (2018) – currently Postdoctoral Fellow

Louis-Marie Garcin, Medical Resident (2017-2018)

Yahya Mahamat-Saleh, Master’s student (2017) – currently Postdoctoral fellow at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO)

Mathieu Daniel, Master’s student (2016) – currently Biostatistician in academic research in Bordeaux

Isabelle Savoye, Master’s student (2014) – currently Research Expert, Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre, Brussels, Belgium

Simon Lorrain, Master’s student (2010) – currently Statistician in academic research in La Réunion

Anne Bijon, Master’s student (2009) – currently Biostatistician in the private sector in Paris


Engineers and Technicians

Joseph Du Cheyron de Beaumont, Research Assistant (2022) – currently Research Assistant in academic research at Inserm U1018/CESP

Anita Kowal, Senior Data Manager (2017-2020) – currently Senior Data Manager in the private sector in Sophia-Antipolis

Mathieu Daniel, Biostatistician (2016-2017) – currently Biostatistician in academic research in Bordeaux

Nana Kodio, Technician (2011) – currently Physician in Mali

Anne Bijon, Biostatistician (2009-2013) – currently Biostatistician in the private sector in Paris