Sctaire des personnels enseignants et chercheurs (Ripec)
régime indemnitaire des personnels enseignants et chercheurs (Ripec)Grand Prix du Jury, Hackaton InnovHer (France - 2024) (3 k€)régime indemnitaire des personnels enseignants et chercheurs (Ripec) - Audience Prize, Hackaton InnovHer (France - 2024) (500 €)
- Horiana Prize, Hackaton InnovHer (France - 2024)
- Inserm-Opecst "Science & Society" Prize (France - 2023)
- Scientific Excellence bonus, Inserm (France - 2022-2025) (10.5 k€)
- Happy Patient Award, Mapatho (France - 2021)
- Patron of the tunnel machine "Marina", named as a tribute to the causes I am defending - endometriosis and women in science (France - 2019)
- Scientific Excellence bonus, Inserm (France - 2017-2020) (14 k€)
- Young Researcher Grant, Vaincre Le Mélanome (France - 2014) (3 k€)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow Leadership Award, Brigham & Women’s Hospital (USA - 2014)
- Annual Peer-Mentor Award, Brigham & Women’s Hospital (USA - 2014)
- European Research Grant, René Touraine Foundation for Dermatological Research (France - 2012) (4.5 k€)
- Medical Research Award, Philippe Foundation (USA - 2011) (US $5,000)
- Young Researcher Prize, Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation (France - 2010) (25 k€)
- Jean Darier Prize for Dermatological Research, SVR Laboratories (France - 2009) (8 k€)
- Finalist, Biotech Rising Star Award, Women in Technology Australia (Australia - 2009)
- Research Achievement Award, University of Queensland (UQ) (Australia - 2009) (AUD 300)
- L’Oréal France-UNESCO Young Talent Award “For Women in Science” (France - 2008) (10 k€)
- International Cotutelle PhD Award, French Government, “Région Ile-de-France” (France - 2008) (20 k€)
- Most Commendable Oral Presentation Award, School of Population Health, UQ (Australia - 2008) (AUD 200)
- Postgraduate Student Travel Award, the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (Australia - 2007) (AUD 300)
- Poster Session Award, 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research (USA - 2007)
- Joint PhD Travel Award, French Embassy in Australia/Australian Academy of Sciences (Australia - 2007) (AUD 2,100)
- Travel Award, University of Bordeaux (France - 2005) (2 k€)